PHP SQL Text Editor for Mac

Hi Guys,
I need PHP SQL Text Editor for Mac, that will have functions which supports PHP SQL. So that my work will get easier rather that putting the scripts in normal editor.
Ethan Jessica

Hi Guys,
I need PHP SQL Text Editor for Mac, that will have functions which supports PHP SQL. So that my work will get easier rather that putting the scripts in normal editor.
Ethan Jessica
Text editor is good choice for developers in order to write down their codes. There are many text editors online but most of them are for only Windows.
You can use their source code for building it into your Mac. Here I am giving several editors that have got source codes.
1. Notepad++: A complete text editor with the support of many languages. Its syntax highlighting is also very charming.
2. jEdit: Another light-weight text editor with the support of over 100 programming languages.
In order to install source codes, visit this tutorial.
jEdit is also found as Java program that can be run on any PC. Download its JAR file and also, install JRE. Double-click on the JAR file and it will run perfectly.
Also, you can use “TextWrangler”, “TextEdit” etc. All these support PHP and SQL.
Text Editor is a tool which is a great help for programmers. General text editors like Coda, BBedit, Text Wrangler, or TextMate works only for PHP programming. You can use following free and cross-platform text editors:
1. Edit Rocket is a code editor with a variety of tools like Web Development Tools, Search Tools, Coding tools and File System Browser. It supports synatax highlighting for over 20 programming languages.
2.JuffEd is another free, cross platform text editor. It provides features such as syntax highlighting, powerful search using regexps, code completion, sessions, plugins, and multiple charsets.
3. RText text editor has improved through its versions. The latest version, 2.0.7 provides editor fixes and performance improvements. It has few unique tools such as file chooser and File System Tree plugin.
4. jEdit is a text editor has a built-in macro language allowing plugins to be downloaded and managed. It supports more than 200 languages.