The Oracle -Google trial effect

Oracle and Google are soon set to begin a trial in court on whether Google infringed the exclusive rights of Oracle when it decided to create Android using JAVA , will this affect developers of Android apps?

Oracle and Google are soon set to begin a trial in court on whether Google infringed the exclusive rights of Oracle when it decided to create Android using JAVA , will this affect developers of Android apps?
        You will see the result after the case if it will affect developers of Android apps. But from my point of view, Java is a free programming language, it is almost available whoever wants to use it, aside from that java did not created by oracle so why developers from android apps will be affected. Java is well known for being open source and until oracle bought the patent to suns Microsystems, but most people now use it and know that will not consider what oracles what to do to java.  As long as many Android apps programmers using it, the industry for developers will not be affected.
There is a current legal battle within the United States between Google, Inc. and Oracle America, Inc. related to the nature of computer code and copyright law. The dispute started from Oracle’s patent and copyright claims on Google’s Android mobile operating system.
These two companies have been fighting a war in court since 2012 about whether Google stole Oracle’s intellectual property when it adopted Java naming protocols for Android app developers. The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled in favor of Oracle on March 27, 2018. However, this court battle is more than just a battle of technology titans.
The enduring nature of this case had concerned Google and other developers of Android-based software. Because the ruling favors Oracle, it could significantly impact the Android operating system. Google started working to replace Dalvik and the Java implementation based on Apache Harmony using a new Android Runtime environment based on the OpenJDK beginning in the release of Android Nougat in 2016.