Open source business plan software GPL

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Friends,

I just need to know whether there is any online provider that provides open source business plan software GPL, I need a small such software which can be available for free through the internet. Please help me by suggesting me the best business plan software GPL.

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Athers

Best Answer by Babb Samantha
Answered By 0 points N/A #188903

Open source business plan software GPL


Hello Scott Athers,

I read your post and you want a software for business plan, I can suggest you the SmartDraw software with the used of this your presentation will look like a storyboard format. It is good for composing visual communication and for delivery of visual presentation. I think it is better than the PowerPoint. Thank you! 

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #188904

Open source business plan software GPL


Hello Athers,

Basically internet runs on open source software tools and utilities. Those utilities know as LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) for web server. This type of soft wares are free or low cost and has access to source code. 
10 award-winning open source apps:
According to Amadeus IT Group report, here are a few packages you should know about.
Inks cape
Feng Office
Front Accounting
Choose the appropriate one for your business. To know more about the apps please check the link.
Hope this will help you.
Thank you.


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