Need suggestions on OS development

Need suggestions to develop a secure operating system for computers that do not provide the Privileged Mode to access the hardware directly?

Need suggestions to develop a secure operating system for computers that do not provide the Privileged Mode to access the hardware directly?
The base of my knowledge we can't do anything on how to secure operating system on our computers. The reason why everything is unsecured, is because everyone is writing viruses in our system/windows. All we have to do is to secure our system for any viruses and attacks.
Make sure the network are always free from harm. If we want to be secure, stop file sharing. Most common issue why we are having trouble, is using the system without checking those devices that we installed. Install the most well known USB disk security like Kaspersky and avast.
It’s quite confusing on what kind of security you expect to develop on an operating system. In the first place, the operating system you install on your computer is given as is. You are not allowed to modify it in any way because it violates the terms of agreement of the product.
Modifications are only allowed to freeware programs that allow the source code to be downloaded by users. And an operating system is not your ordinary application although you can also consider it as a program. What you can do to make your operating system more secure is to install different security programs.
One example of a security application is your antivirus. It monitors the overall program activities on the computer and blocks any malicious activities in the system. Since its main purpose is to detect any viruses, it’s your best tool to protect your computer while browsing the internet and prevent any unwanted outside attacks.
One good example of a security program is Norton Internet Security or simply NIS. NIS offers a much better protection than Norton AntiVirus because besides its virus detection capability that detects viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware, adware, and more, it is also equipped with its own Smart Firewall that is better than Windows Firewall.
Another program that can add security to your machine is Comodo Firewall. Although it is also a firewall, it is the best firewall you may want to have for your computer instead of just relying with the traditional Windows Firewall.