Need to recover files deleted lately

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I need to recover some files that I have deleted by mistake with other files. I have heard that windows 7 can recover deleted files. If that is possible then it is my only hope. Those files are really important for my work so I must recover them. Should someone know how to recover this files please let me know.

Kenneth Feugo

Best Answer by Tanok Bloran
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #116929

Need to recover files deleted lately


I understand the frustration of deleting important files by accident and I know it is a hassle getting it back if the chances are very slim. There are several ways of getting your deleted files back as they are not immediately deleted permanently from your system. Instead, the space they used to occupy was just marked as available for use. There are some professional file recovery companies where you can bring your storage device or hard disk drive but there service may be expensive, and the chance of getting your files back are not 100% sure. Now, there are third party programs that you may use to help you recover your deleted files, however, the problem is the space where the files were recently saved tends to be overwritten immediately giving you a slim chance of recovering them. The chances of recovering these files are better if you immediately try to get them back right after deleting them. Nevertheless, you may still want to try downloading an “undelete” program to help you recover your file. You may download it from

Answered By 10 points N/A #116931

Need to recover files deleted lately



Recovering deleted files from windows 7 may be possible but difficult too.If you have deleted the files permanently from your recycles bin then it is difficult.If you have not deleted from recycle bin then click on recycle bin,then right click on the file and click on restore.
But if your files are not in recycle been then you have take help of software.There are some free softwares.But remember that soft wares too may be failed if you make mistake and no recovery will possible further times.You know well from where you have deleted the files.So do not save,delete,rename,move any files from that drive.And it is better for you not to take any action on hard disk until you have recovered the files.You may try this free software:
Answered By 0 points N/A #116932

Need to recover files deleted lately


That was an awesome third party software. I downloaded the software from your given link,

I successfully recovered my deleted files!

Thanks, Tanok Bloran!

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