Need information about soyatec ebpmn product review.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I want to know the language versions of BPMN . But I can not find the normal download page . I also need to know how Soyatec ebpmn product review can be extended for business users . Please help me anyone to inform this . It's urgent . Advance thanks .



Answered By 10 points N/A #167017

Need information about soyatec ebpmn product review.


Hi Owen Korber,

eBPMN Designer is a Business Process Modeling Notation Modeling based on Eclipse RCP.
eBPMN Designer is also powered by GMF. It is extensible and has intuitive graphic tools. 
Here's the download link for the free edition.
The free edition is a trialware and has a limited time to use the software, after that period you'll need to purchase to continue using it.

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