Need to convert word to PDF colour black white

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I have a large Microsoft word file. I want to make an editable PDF file to save this Microsoft office word file from unauthorized persons. I have free software but it is not working perfectly. Has any dependable PDF converter that can able to full fill my demand convert word to PDF color black white?

Best Answer by subsonicu571
Answered By 0 points N/A #163569

Need to convert word to PDF colour black white



Advanced Word to PDF Converter Free is a word to .PDF converter. It lets you to convert lots of windows documents, like doc docm, docx, rtf, txt, to searchable PDF document.

It can be applied as a PDF creator and writer from numerous applications. It bears the quick, inexpensive way to make quality documents in the trendy PDF format. Get your free download here:

Best regards,

Heather marie

Answered By 5 points N/A #163570

Need to convert word to PDF colour black white


Hi Johnny,

Find below the answer to your question.

If you are looking for an effective PDF converter that you can use to convert Word to PDF in editable format and ensure its security I recommend Classic PDF Editor. It is good for editing documents that are in the PDF format. You can really protect your Word document from an authorized person with Classic PDF Editor. Click the link below to download it:

 Classic PDF Editor.

I hope I have helped you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #163571

Need to convert word to PDF colour black white



Hello Johnny,

You have not mentioned about the version of Microsoft Word that you are using. You have also not mentioned why you want to convert the whole document into "black and white" or more specifically into greyscale. I think it is because you want to decrease the size of the file as you have mentioned that the original document is very large.

If you have Microsoft Office 2007 or later, you will have the easiest solution for this problem. Just follow these steps:

1) Open the document you want to convert using Microsoft Word (2007 or later)

2) The large size of a document is mainly because of the pictures/photos inserted in the document. You need to decrease the size of these pictures/photos. To do this, left click on any picture in the document and click on the “Format” tab in the Toolbars. Now click on the “Compress Pictures” under “Adjust”. A dialog box appears; click “ok” to compress all the pictures in the document or choose “options” to select the quality of compressed pictures.

3) Converting the document to “black and white” does not change the size of the document. If you still want to convert the document to “black and white”, right click on the picture and select “Format Picture”. Click the icon next to re color and select “Greyscale” under “Color Modes”. To convert coloured text to black, select the text, click on the large, underlined “A” button and select black color.

4) To save the file in PDF format, click the large Microsoft Office icon on the upper-left corner of the screen, move your cursor to “Save As…” and left click on “PDF or XPS” option. Give the desired name and location of the PDF  file to be saved. Your job is done.


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