My net is disconnecting rapidly

I have a broadband(With Wire) connection. My network is disturbing a lot. My net is disconnecting rapidly. Can anyone help?

I have a broadband(With Wire) connection. My network is disturbing a lot. My net is disconnecting rapidly. Can anyone help?
You are using wire+ broadband line. This often create this kind of problem. You might have TPLINK wire Broadband Router. Router helps you to Destribute your Internet. This is not a problem of Router. So do not think that you have a problem in your Router. Your Router is fine. You have problem in your Connection. So you may talk with your distributer who gives you the connection. But if there is a problem in your Router then cosult with an expert. You might Repair your Router from a servicing centre. Sometimes Due to bad whether the connection disturb much. I think this will help you. I hope this will give you some relief.