My Laptop card reader is not working anymore.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

What went wrong with my laptop’s card reader?

I bought my laptop with Windows Vista installed.

All went perfect and I have no complains.

One day I decided to upgrade my OS to Windows 7 and things were seem to be fine as well.

However, I discovered one day that its card reader is no longer working as it could not detect anymore the SD card that I inserted to when I wanted to transfer the photos to the hard disk.

It is the same card it used to read. I tried other cards but still I got no response.

What could be the possible problem?

Your help will be greatly appreciated

Best Answer by Jeannexleex
Answered By 0 points N/A #125200

My Laptop card reader is not working anymore.



From what you have stated, I can see that the possible problem is driver incompatibility.

As the original Operating System (OS) of your laptop is Windows Vista, which is most likely a 32-bit OS, its hardware's drivers are 32-bit OS compatible too. As for Windows 7, this OS is 64-bit.

You may not use a 32-bit driver in a 64-bit OS.

Here's what you can do:

  • Get the details of your card reader – If possible, get the manufacturer, model and series of your device and go to its manufacturer's website. Most likely you may be able to obtain a driver for 64-bit Windows.
  • Please note that the drivers for these 3rd party devices are not written by Microsoft. These are written by the manufacturer and these are specific to the hardware, NOT generic.
  • You may also contact your laptop's manufacturer's tech support, to know where you can obtain the correct driver (64 bit) for your card reader.

Hope this will help you solve your card reader problem.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #125201

My Laptop card reader is not working anymore.

  • Is your previous OS vista 32 bit or 64 bit? then you upgrade windows 7 32 bit or 64 bit?
  • Drivers for 64-bit OS are sometimes different than their 32-bit counterparts.

First thing is Does the card reader appear in the Device Manager

  1. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager > Scan you card reader
  2. Scan For Hardware Changes highlight the computer name at the top of the list and see if it appears.
  3. If a driver cant see the hardware, it's because it is not listed in the Device Manager. and not being listed can be due to a bad connection or defective hardware.
  4. Shutdown your computer and see if it will automatically detect then install the driver.


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