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Posted on - 10/21/2011
Hello TechyV community!
I hope someone can help me. Lately,I have been getting these weird reminders in Microsoft Office Outlook even though I haven't added any new ones. I know it's a bit silly but can someone help me fix these annoying reminders?
Thanks a lot to those who can help!
Cannot postpone the reminder. Cannot locate recurrence information for this appointment.
MS Outlook: Cannot Postpone the Reminder
Hello lady,
Well the potential cause for this error to show up is damaging of recurring item in the calendar folder which also gives error on start up and while importing items from calendar folder.You will need to reset recurrence pattern information and behavior. Kindly follow steps listed below:
1) Select calendar folder and from view menu select current view and click recurring appointments.
2) Open damaged item and if you cant identify damaged item then do remaining steps on each item.
3) Go to actions menu >> click recurrence.
4) In appointment recurrence select ok and you will receive one message>> click ok
5) Save and close item
You will be free from the recurrence errors .