The MS Access Error Code ‘3086’ issue

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello TechyV buddies!

DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField)); Only solution I find is moving INNER JOIN clause to new line (HEX (0D 0A)) as follows: DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE

INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField)); Then I SAVED the query and I ran the query and it works fine. After I close the MS Access apps, when I re-launched the access, the syntax shows the old format (new line shifted back to the old line as HEX(0D 0A) disappeared) as follows: DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField)); I am having some problem on MS Access. I am using Windows 7 and MS Office 2010. The error happens when I use MS Access. The error also appears in the later version of Office and windows XP. The error code is this: : 3086

DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField)); Only solution I find is moving INNER JOIN clause to new line (HEX (0D 0A)) as follows: DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE

INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField)); Then I SAVED the query and I ran the query and it works fine. After I close the MS Access apps, when I re-launched the access, the syntax shows the old format (new line shifted back to the old line as HEX(0D 0A) disappeared) as follows: DELETE DISTINCTROW LINKED_TABLE.*, [tblItem1].[item2], [LINKED_TABLE].[item3] FROM LINKED_TABLE INNER JOIN tblItem1 ON LINKED_TABLE.item1=tblItem1.item1 WHERE ((tblItem1.item2 = True)

and (LINKED_TABLE.item3 = Forms!frmItem3!DateField));

This error only happens when I start MS Access and this sometimes works fine and sometimes it also fails.

And another problem is my internal SQL syntax always changes every time MS Access is opened.

Can anyone help me solve this issue?

I will really appreciate the effort in solving this issue.

Thank you!

Answered By 10 points N/A #146961

The MS Access Error Code ‘3086’ issue


Hello Nicola,ry

Try the following workarounds and see if they will help you solve the issue you are getting right now:

  • Just try deleting the SQL statement using code.
  • Note that you cannot be able to delete a column. You can only be able to eliminate full records, or you can as well update a single value in the column.
  • You should also try building a query step by step using a query designer. In case that works, you will need to select the records that you want to eliminate and then convert them into a query. If you have SQL on your computer you can copy from the SQL view and transfer into the query designer.
  • In case you want MS Access not to  reformat your SQL in querydefs, you will need to switch to SQL view and then save the query.




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