Ms access 2010 progress bar sample

Hi techyv!!!!!
I am using MS Access 2010. I want an ms access 2010 progress bar sample. I need a timed progress bar on my splash screen. Can anybody help?

Hi techyv!!!!!
I am using MS Access 2010. I want an ms access 2010 progress bar sample. I need a timed progress bar on my splash screen. Can anybody help?
Hi there,
If you are good in Visual Basic 6.0, 2008, 2010 you can just create a progress bar in there and then you just have to connect it with your database that you are going to use.
Or you can read this sites for more information, like progress bar or progress meter in MS Access.
progress bar is easy when you are using visual basic code, just click the icon or the component and use the proper code which is quite easy.
Or you can look for some YouTube tutorial.
I hope this would help.