Hi experts,
I got this error message pop up both in the client machine and in my computer when I try to install the Cisco VPN in the client machine and AnyConnect in my computer. I do understand the real cause of this error message. How do I load the vpnapi.dll? Is there any problem with the dll files? Please explain me. Thanks.
The module “Vpnapi.dll” failed to load.
Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.
The specified module could not be found.
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The module Vpnapi.dll failed to load
Such DLL issue appears if your DLL file is corrupted or the path of the DLL file is wrong.
First, start an elevated Command Prompt, run the command:
regsvr32 “<path_to_the_DLL_file>”
This will make regsvr32 learn the perfect way to access the DLL file instead of looking it inside the “C:WindowsSystem32”.
If you’re creating the file, make sure that the file is created perfectly or doesn’t include any bugs. Debug it as necessary.
Instead of Regsvr32, you can also use Regasm. The usage of Regasm is same to Regsvr32. Run the following command in an elevated Command Prompt:
regasm vpnapi.dll
If still no lcuk, you have to take the ownership of a certain registry section.
Start Registry Editor.
Navigate to “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib”.
Take the ownership of the registry.
Now, your problem should have gone.