Microsoft Office PowerPoint accessing error

While I am in the middle of the Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation demo, I ended up with an error message. The presentation was working perfectly without any problem while I am testing a day before. Now I am getting this error message, very confused. I am accessing it within the system; file is not in the network. But why I am getting this error message? Please guide me. Thanks.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint
There was an error accessing Text/Third Text.pptx.
This error can be caused by the following conditions.
- Your hard drive or floppy has a corrupt section (damaged track or sector)
- A temporary operating system or network failure has occurred.
- Your network is unavailable, slow or is corruption data packets (failure of a router, network card, or noise on the network transmission line).
- Your antivirus program may be causing problems accessing certain files.
In the case of damaged disk, you must save the file to another location (for example, a different drive).