Machine able to connect via MSTSC but not able to ping it

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Machine able to connect via MSTSC but not able to ping it

I tried
firewall is off

Any one has a clue on how to fix this windows 2003 issue to allow ping

Answered By 15 points N/A #156335

Machine able to connect via MSTSC but not able to ping it


Hi there.


                                Even you turn of your firewall in windows 2003. You need to configure your setting on your firewall so that it will allow you to Ping or use ping commands. Windows Firewall is blocking ICMP echo request packets other incoming ICMP traffics. You can change the following setting by following these steps that I will be giving.


1.       In your Start menu Choose Control panel.



2.       Then after opening your control panel, open your firewall.



3.       Search for the advance tab


4.       In the advance tab search for the word ICMP and then Click settings


5.       Select the incoming Echoing request.



Contact me for anymore questions.

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