Looking to learn about streamingvideox available as an android download.
I just bought an Android based tablet and have been told to download streamingvideox for watch movies. Is this something I really need?
I just bought an Android based tablet and have been told to download streamingvideox for watch movies. Is this something I really need?
"Watch Movies" is really what you need. It is really straight forward, it enables full screen mode so you can enjoy your movies. You can put your subtitles, change sound volume, seek through movie. It requires Flash player installed.
Congrats on your new Tablet. To answer your question, the matter is actually personal. If you like to watch movies and would actually want to stream movies on your tablet then yes, download the application.
I would recommend you joining Netflix for a great experience if you are a movies fan.
Enjoy !
I think this is something you can use to wirelessly stream videos using your Mac or Windows devices to your Android device without needing to sync physically. This can be done through Wi-Fi or 3G network. You can try the Air Playit software for Android. It allows streaming of almost all video types from your PC to Android devices through Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G network. You will need to install it on your PC's Shared Folder. For more information about it, go to the link below: