Linux Ubuntu: I don’t see any option for Dual Boot, help!

Asked By 440 points N/A Posted on -

Hi friends!

Any expert on Linux Ubuntu. I have windows XP on my notebook Compaq presario v2000 and I wanted to load Linux as dual boot. I already tried with Suse Linux, but there was some blank or black screen problem after installation. And someone suggested Ubuntu Linux so I downloaded and burned Ubuntu on a cd.

So during the installation during partitioning there was a serious problem. On Ubuntu webpage they say for partitioning I will get 4 option, but I got only three options in my cd. The missing option was the most important , which was required for dual boot, "Guided resize and use free space".

So i had to abort my Ubuntu installation as using any other option could have effected my current XP installation or might have formatted my whole notebook. So any comment why the dual boot partitioning option was absent in my Ubuntu CD. Or there is some thing to be activated in my notebook setting to enable dual boot? I'll be waiting for your expert advices. thank you!

Best Answer by Suchetan
Answered By 0 points N/A #100042

Linux Ubuntu: I don’t see any option for Dual Boot, help!


It's good to know that you have your Windows XP existing before installing Ubuntu.

I have here a list of possible of solutions for you.
First, you need to download the latest Ubuntu installer. Make sure you downloaded the latest. You can have it downloaded here:
After downloading, burn it to your CD/DVD. Then boot from your CD/DVD and install.
During installation, Ubuntu will prompt you to install a boot loader. Allow it to install. It would be weird for the Ubuntu installer to not allow the user to install a boot loader.
However, if there was really no boot loader, just allow it to install. We will just have to install the boot loader later.
If your Ubuntu OS is completely installed, you can then prompt to install the boot loader. GRUB and LILO are popular boot loaders.
You can do
# sudo update-grub
to install the GRUB boot loader.
This GRUB boot loader allows you to do dual boot during startup, allowing you to choose what OS to load.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #100043

Linux Ubuntu: I don’t see any option for Dual Boot, help!



Since you want to install Ubuntu after installing Windows, it makes your job easier. There is a very easy way to solve your problem without the pain of getting into all these technical stuffs and codes. Ubuntu provides an installer called WUBI. Download the Windows Ubuntu installer.

You can install Ubuntu using the WUBI Ubuntu installer just like you would install any other software application. If you don't have Ubuntu downloaded, WUBI would download and then install, otherwise if you already have the CD, you just need to configure WUBI to install it from the CD. You can easily choose the partition. After installation and reboot, you would find the dual boot option seeing the start up process. This is totally automated. 

Also, if you want to uninstall Ubuntu for any reason, you would do that from Control Panel, Uninstall. WUBI Ubuntu Installer is very simple to use and even a layman can use it without getting into technical know how. 

URL  for WUBI-



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