Learn About Google Earth Silent Install In Easy-To-Follow Steps

Hi. I am not very familiar with the concept of Google apps but I want to start using it. I would like to know about Google Earth silent install? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I am not very familiar with the concept of Google apps but I want to start using it. I would like to know about Google Earth silent install? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To learn about Google Earth silent install to a PC, first download the Google Earth’s latest version from the website that is, it’s .exe file. Next, click the file twice to begin the installation. After the install is done, the app can be opened by clicking on the start menu, clicking on programs and then selecting the icon of Google Earth. The steps which need to be followed to install Google Earth to Mac would be to first double-click on the .dmg file from the folder named downloads which will open a new folder with a Google Earth icon on it. Next, drag the icon to the Applications folder.
After this, you will be able to find the app in your applications folder from which it can be dragged to the desktop for easy access.
Hope we helped.
If you want to do a silent install of the Google Earth application, you have to download the standalone installer of the program. The default download page of Google Earth downloads the web installer. Since you want to install it silently then this is not the installer you want to use. To download the standalone installer, go to Update Google Earth Pro.
Here, under “Download Google Earth Pro for desktop”, click “Download a Google Earth Pro direct installer” to expand the list. The latest version at the moment is Google Earth 7.3.2. Download the version for your operating system. The 32-bit version is around 54.9 MB and the 64-bit version is 61.6 MB. You can also download several of the older versions of Google Earth.
Before downloading any earlier versions, make sure to read the notes so you won’t have a problem installing it. Once the file is downloaded, start an elevated command prompt. Click “Start,” “All Programs”, “Accessories” then right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator”. In the command prompt window, type without quotes “cd ”. Make sure there is a space after the “d”.
Now, start Windows Explorer then navigate to the download folder of Google Earth. Next, copy the entire path indicated in the “Address” field, for example, without quotes “C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Downloads”. Replace “[username]” with your username. After this, go back to the command prompt then right-click anywhere on the black screen and select “Paste”. The command should now look something like this: “cd C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Downloads”.
Hit Enter. After this, you should now be on the download folder. Now, to install Google Earth silently, enter without quotes “googleearthprowin-7.3.2.exe OMAHA=1” then hit Enter. Adding “OMAHA=1” is the only way at the moment to install Google Earth silently.