ITunes Library and enabling other video audio formats

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys, is there any way to fetch the entire iTunes library as .

mp3 and also with the real names(not the iTunes default names)?

Also, how can I setup my iTunes to play other video and audio formats, like we do in Zoom Player in Windows?

I am using iTunes 10.3.1(55) and Mac Os X 10.6.8 .

Best Answer by eduard20
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #82676

ITunes Library and enabling other video audio formats


The solution for this problem

is before you make an iTunes library,make sure that you're file are already converted to an mp3 file that working on iTunes.

you might you use an converter application, any converter file like mp3 convert to mp4 or video to an mp3 file.

And for my other suggestion for this problem reinstall


Answered By 15 points N/A #82677

ITunes Library and enabling other video audio formats


What you need to know is that the iTunes library on your can computer holds all the media, ranging from music, videos, podcasts, and so forth, which you may have encoded from a CD collection or may be you purchased them from the iTunes Store. So iTunes is not only limited to the .mp3 format files.

With the use the iTunes default settings, it will automatically copy the media that you want to play into library to your iPod. In case you are using your iPod as a hard disk, then you will not be able to see the media that the iTunes application copies to your iPod in the Finder or to the Computer. And when you are using the Finder or the computer as well, you will not be able to copy the media files from your iPod back to iTunes or to any other computer. You can only synchronize the files one way, and that is i from Tunes to iPod.

-Clair Charles


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