ISpring Kinetics 6 Setup has encountered a problem

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

iSpring Kinetics 6 Setup has encountered a problem. It is showing the message regarding corruption or unused of certain files. I got the program from the respective site. But I cannot install it now. Please help me to solve the issue.

iSpring Kinetics 6 Setup The cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used

iSpring Kinetics 6 Setup

The cabinet file '' required for this installation

is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a

network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a

problem with this package.

Best Answer by Julinee James
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Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #190489

ISpring Kinetics 6 Setup has encountered a problem



The file is very essential to run iSpring Kinetics on your computer. As this file is corrupt, you are not able to install it on your computer. The .cab file cannot be replaced with a new one. So you have to delete the setup file and download a new setup file.

Download iSpring Kinetics from a trusted source. Do not download software from third party websites and untrusted sources. These files can harm your computer and damage them. So download it from the app store and install it on your system.

Also make sure you check the system requirements of the software. If your computer does not support the software then you could download an older version or an alternative software.

Hope this information helps you.


Answered By 10 points N/A #190490

ISpring Kinetics 6 Setup has encountered a problem


Check the following before installing the program:

  • Your program is compatible with window and system.
  • You have enough space for the program to install it on the disk drive.
  • All the software requirements are full filled before installing the software check framework and dxdiag.
  • Login as administrator on your computer.
  • CD Drive or any source from where you are installing the program is working correctly. If you are downloading from the net make sure you are downloading from a valid path.

After checking them all you will be able to solve your problem.

Smith Thompson

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