IR signals get interferred with the other IR signals?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I ordered a Chinese type of keyboards and mice. Over a 50.

So now I can't exchange them.

The problem is they get interfered with the other IR signals. Any help?

Best Answer by Nedelcu panda
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #91031

IR signals get interferred with the other IR signals?



It seems to be the issue with your selection of your Infra Red Channel.

When ever you buy any Wireless Keyboard and Mouse. They both come with a button in their bottom with the selection of Channel 1 or Channel 2.

This means you need to select one channel for each of both devices i.e.

If you select channel 1 for Mouse than you must select Channel 2 for keyboard or vice versa.

So there frequency channels may not interfere with each other.


Answered By 0 points N/A #91032

IR signals get interferred with the other IR signals?


Hello Hannah,

Most of the wireless devices that use IR signals operates at the same frequency 38kHz.  

So when there are several devices that is connected to your computer that uses IR signals, the code they transmit might get scrambled, and the codes are received by the wrong device.  

I suggest to put your wireless receivers away from each other.  

Other causes of interference are fluorescent lights, plasma TV and sunlight.  

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