Invalid Address For Write Error in Burning a Disc

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I need help with my LG Optical Drive. I am receiving errors when trying to burn a disc.

I tried Nero and other burning apps, I even tried to use different brands of DVD Rewritable disc but the error still incurs.

I used only one optical drive, and I am still getting an error.

How can I cope with it?

I/O Error!

Invalid Address For Write


Device:[1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42L SL00 (D:) (ATA)
ScsiStatus: 0x02
Interpretation: Check Condition
CDB: 2A 00 1E FD 40 00 00 20 00
Interpretation: Write(10) – Sectors : 203091 – 2030943
Sense Area: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 2A 00 00 0E 21 02 00 00 00 00
Interpretation: Invalid Address For Write

Answered By 20 points N/A #124830

Invalid Address For Write Error in Burning a Disc


Hi King Hill,

Can you try if the Writer would work on another computer? If it also does not work, you may want to check if the system requirement of your devices matches the ones needed by the writer to work. If it works, then most likely you just need to adjust the settings on the other computer.

You can opt to change the speed to a 2.4x USB drives as those disks are kind of new with lower version of firmware. You can also try to update the firmware of your writer by going to their website and see if that helps.


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