Interruption while installing Adobe Flash Player on Windows XP PC

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi friends,

I am trying to install Adobe Flash Player on my Windows XP PC. It’s interrupted by an error saying it “Failed to initialize”.



Adobe Flash Player Installer
Installation encountered errors
Failed to initialize

Am I missing a file or something? Does my Windows version matter?

Please advise.


Best Answer by Kevin Milton
Answered By 5 points N/A #138034

Interruption while installing Adobe Flash Player on Windows XP PC



First of all try downloading and install Flash 9 from Adobe’s genuine website to get the attributes original, here is the link

Be careful in choosing system, depending on your operating system choose 32 bit or 64 bit for your os.

Remember to have uninstalled any previous flash on your system, then perform following procedure.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #138035

Interruption while installing Adobe Flash Player on Windows XP PC


Please clean your system by uninstalling any current installations of adobe flash player.

then install a lower version of the player, 

You can download various versions from adobe site. 

If the lower version works fine, it will prompt your to upgrade to the latest version where your system can automatically download and upgrade require files.

Hope this would assist you to overcome the issue.

Please share your feedback and we can further assist you .

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