Internet Router doesn’t get connected

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

My router's internet light is not lightning. It is off. I have wire broadband connection. I thought limitation of my net is over. but now it is the beginning of the month. What it means?

What should I do?

Best Answer by Trevor
Answered By 0 points N/A #113888

Internet Router doesn’t get connected


You are using broadband connection. Broadband is available in two ways there are: wire connection and Wireless connection. Your connection has stopped working. It just because of your Limited offer is end. But still in the beginning of the month you are not getting the connection. It might be because of your server has lost your connection password. And the cause of your Router’s light of is because of your Router lost its configuration.

Use the CD of your Router to fix it. And most importantly contact with your provider.I think you have got your answer.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #113891

Internet Router doesn’t get connected

  • Internet LED indicator is off, that means that you don’t have internet connection. Your Internet Service Provider router or box might be powered off or there where on-going repair or upgrade in your line.
  • I don’t think that broadband subscription has its limitations on internet usage. I rather believe that they cut the service if you don’t pay your monthly bills.
  • Most of the broadband internet service provider having technical support. You may call their hot line for technical support so that they can advise you of what was going on into your subscription and the method of fixing the connection.

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