Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 10/24/2011
I was using Adobe Illustrator when I got this error message.Â
I tried to restart then it worked fine.Â
Intermittently, I got the same error message this morning, and I just restarted which worked again.Â
I desperately want to permanently remove this intermittent error because it’s annoying and stalling my work.Â
Any fix to this problem?Â
Thanks in advance.
Adobe Illustrator
Could not complete the requested operation.
Answered By
0 points
Intermittent error when using Adobe Illustrator
This error could be as a result of running of more than one application while Adobe illustrator is running. Try to ensure that whenever Adobe illustrator is running no other application is running. Another option that could help you avoid this kind of error is logging in as an administrator because when you do so Adobe illustrator will be able to access all you files without trouble. Ensure also that your system matches your software's needs in this I mean your processor speed and RAM should be able to contain the software's needs. Ensure the Adobe illustrator installed into your system is the latest in the market this latest models are more compatible than earlier versions. Install the latest Mac OSX system this will improve compatibility between your system and Adobe illustrator to enable you avoid such operation errors. Whenever you have an error restart your system to refresh it's memory this will improve the system's performance.