Integrated marketing using social networking sites for increasing revenues of the business

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Social networking sites are increasing their penetration day by day. Business models of the companies should evolve with the changing world. How should IT system of my company change to digitally market products to increase revenues of my company ?

Answered By 75 points N/A #98401

Integrated marketing using social networking sites for increasing revenues of the business



Social media is one of the ways in which businesses are marketing the products, popularizing themselves and generally doing their transactions since most people nowadays are on social Medias. A business will easily gain a large market niche when it sells its services to social Medias since it will be exposed to a lot of people who may be interested in buying the goods or services of the business.

So I will advice that you take advantage of the social medias and let the large number of people currently using the social medias be exposed to the goods and services that your business offers and they might buy them.


Lee Hung

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