Installation failed while trying to upgrade

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Friends,

I tried to upgrade my friend's Acer laptop to Windows 7 from Vista. Sadly, after working a few times, I got stuck booting up or even trying to run a repair Windows CD.  I now have no screen output, and the HD light's are not even flickering. Please help me. Thanks.

Best Answer by taylor f t
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Answered By 0 points N/A #127965

Installation failed while trying to upgrade



I could suggest more than one solution so that your problem is solved. Please try all or any of the following.

  1. Try cleaning all of the memory modules and even check all connections. Its better to even replace the thermal paste on the CPU and GPU.
  2. Booting the laptop without a battery can help.
  3. Finally try an "ATX" Reset, remove all hardware such as PSU, any external devices, battery etc. Hold the on/off button for a 30 seconds or so. Then boot up with the PSU only. If it boots then cool, if you still have the problem. It could be your CPU as it is common to fail.
  4. It could mostly be a failure in the motherboard.

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