Information and Difference Between Windows 7 x64 and x86 Versions

X64 and X86 are the two type of processor architecture and X86 stand for 32 bit windows and X64 stand for 64bit of windows.
Every edition of windows 7 comes with these two types
X86 windows 7 edition should install on computers with older processors such as Pentium 4.
X86 Windows 7 Editions does not support more than 4GB RAM.
In addition you can install windows 7 X 86 editions on computers running with x64 processors.
But you can’t install X64 editions of windows on computers running with X86 processor architecture.
Thank You
John Major.
These are two kinds of processor type. There are two kinds of processors: 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64). For this, two kinds of windows are available. If you have 32-bit processor, you have to use Windows 7 32-bit version and if you have 64-bit processor, you have to use Windows 7 64-bit version.
There are huge differences between these two versions.
32-bit (x86)
This is the most common version. It is easy to use. Most of the software we use are generally made for 32-bit version. Almost every software runs in 32-bit version
64-bit (x64)
This is a rare version. Very few people use 64-bit processor and 64-bit windows version. Just only a few software can be run in this version. Though it is speedy than 32-bit, but it is not popular.
Hi Jack Hope,
X86 is a 32-bit platform, and x64 is a 64-bit platform.
32-bit and 64-bit have a connection with the way CPU handles data. The 32-bit system handles large amount of RAM less effective than 64-bit system. 32-bit system can support maximum 3.2G RAM while 64-bit system can support maximum 192GB RAM. Therefore, 64-bit system requires your hardware have to be strong enough to install.
In general, requirements for windows 7 are:
Windows 7 32-bit: 1GHz IA-32 processor, 1GB RAM, 16GB HDD (free space), DirectX 9 graphic processor, DVD-ROM drive (optional)
Windows 7 64-bit: 1GHz x86 or x64 processor, 2GB RAM, 20GB HDD (free space), DirectX 9 graphic processor, DVD-ROM drive (optional)
Hope this help