InDesign Network Connection Error Followed by a Fatal Error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello. I am running a Mac PC with OS X 10.5.8 when installing InDesign 6.03.

At first, I was thinking that it was just a network connection error since I got an error which I didn’t mind at first. The error states something like the network connection was lost following with an Adobe InDesign is shutting down with serious error.

It automatically closes itself and then showed an error as shown below:

" " could not be found. Do you want to postpone its recovery?

Click Yes to recover this document later.

Click No to delete recovery data for this document.

Click Cancel to postpone all document recovery until later.

I lost the file that I was working on. My file is located in the SMB network so I don’t know if this can be an issue.

That’s why I came to this site to ask our Experts and hopefully can send me a fix for this.

Thank you.

Answered By 80 points N/A #169584

InDesign Network Connection Error Followed by a Fatal Error





My workaround that seems to have solved the problem with a specific document that repeatedly crashed with this error was threefold:


1) Copy original document that caused the crash to the local hard drive.

2) Delete InDesign's font cache.

3) Open document via open command and choose "open copy" in options at bottom.


When I saved the document it acted normally and so far has continued to do so. I should also note that the original document was not on a network drive but on a secondary internal hard drive, so the error seemed completely random in that respect (and I'm not on a network at all).


I hope it helps you out. Good luck



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