Import Layers on the Preferred Layer

Asked By 430 points N/A Posted on -

I am attempting to fix the layer but my whole pattern was gone. How can I retrieve it again? And also, how can I import another image on my preferred layer? Help please.

Answered By 0 points N/A #106819

Import Layers on the Preferred Layer


You have not clarified well what software you are using to import this images but I will try to answer generally. I have previously worked with cs4 and what I did was to open the document I wanted my layers to appear on then ctrl + alt then drag  from the source of the document and drop on the opened document and it will appear. You can also use ctrl and shift this will help maintain the position of the layer in the document. You can also employ the use of cs4 then drag and drop from the windows explorer or the browser and drop in an open document which ever will work well for you among the three options then use it.

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