I want to have date pick from drop down boxes

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am creating a table and I will need a date picker that will show the Year, Day and Month info. I want to have the date pick from drop down boxes too if possible and  I want it to auto-populate the number of days for the current month selected.

Answered By 0 points N/A #130344

I want to have date pick from drop down boxes


Hi Madmoore

Doing this task you would need to use the following feature in Excel 2009 or 2010

  • The formula Today()
  • Validation Feature of Excel 
  • And simple subtraction Formula


  1. You need to select one cell in excel that you would insert the formula "TODAY()" this will automatically get the current date based on your computer calendar. 
  2. Making the DROP DOWN BOX.

    1. Right now you need to type in all the days on that  on the current year example 1/1/2013. (After typing the first day of the year just drag it down until you reach 12/31/2013) You can put this anywhere on your Excel sheet.
    2. Highlight On the Right side of the CELL that has formula "TODAY()" then go to >DATA>DATA VALIDATION. You will see a pop up menu. Under Allow option select LIST.
    3.  On the source click the button on the right side of Source then highlight ALL THE DAY THAT YOU CREATED and Press OK
  3. After this you just need to do simple subtraction Current Day Cell  – Pick a Day Cell 

Hope this was helpful



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