I Face A 0x80070426 Error Message

What is the 0x80070426 error? Explain the cause of the error and describe the steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.

What is the 0x80070426 error? Explain the cause of the error and describe the steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.
0x80070426 error is an error that occurred in the program’s initialization. This error usually refers to a non-genuine copy of Windows, and Microsoft Security Essential (MSE) doesn’t work properly, and it leaves the computer completely vulnerable as Windows Defender doesn’t even startup. The solution to this problem is to simply uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials, allowing Windows Defender to do its job and protect the computer.
The steps to fix the 0x80070426 error through Windows Defender are as follows:
• Open run dialog by pressing Windows Key+ R and type taskmgr, then hit Enter. Locate Windows Defender Service (WinDefend), and choose Stop.
The service will restart after the computer reboots. Between that, uninstall the Essentials.
• Go to Control Panel -> Programs & Features -> Uninstall a program or Hold Windows key and R then type appwiz.cpl and click on OK. Now, locate Microsoft Essentials and uninstall it. Then, Restart your computer.
• Go to Setting -> Update & Security, choose “Windows Defender” and checks Real-time protection.
Now, check the Defender is running or not.