I Can’t Sign-in to Windows Live Messenger

Asked By 600 points N/A Posted on -

I found this site very healthy, and I am searching for long time to get a reasonable solution of my problem.

I am having annoying problem in my Windows Live Messenger 8.0.

A message window appears when I try to log in and showing an error code-80048820.

Windows Live Messenger

Sorry, we were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger 8.0 at this time. Please try again later.

To let us try and troubleshoot the problem, click the troubleshoot button.

Error Code: 80048820

Extended Error Code: 80048416

I am also using Skype and Yahoo Messenger, but both the program are just fine.

I pressed the troubleshoot button on the message window and it passed all the connection tests. I have searched for the answer on Windows live help but unable to find the solution.

Also,tried to uninstall the program and reinstall it but it was unsuccessful too. I don’t have any idea, do you?

Best Answer by bilalsidiqii
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #111973

I Can’t Sign-in to Windows Live Messenger

  • Correct time and date settings on your device.
  • Start your Windows Update and download and install all updates with respect to its Windows you are using.
  • If the problem persists, open Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options. Then go to the 'Advanced' tab and check the use of SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 of check boxes. Also make sure that Internet Explorer is not configured to work offline by clicking File (Alt+F).
  • Check also the proxy settings. For Open Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options. Then select the 'Connections' tab and select LAN Settings. Disable the proxy server if you review and check automatically detects the configuration.
Answered By 0 points N/A #111975

I Can’t Sign-in to Windows Live Messenger


Hay Brayn, The Error Code 80048820 extended 80048416 you mentioned is typically because your SSL setting for Internet Explorer are not correct. You need to opt these steps to resolve this issue.

  1. Open internet explorer
  2. Tools Internet Option
  3. Go to Advance Tab
  4. Below security, uncheck for server certification revocation which will require you to restart your system.

Please look into the picture below. After Applying changes and restart again sing in to MSN Messenger.

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