I cannot find my scanner on control panel

I formatted my computer and installed every software. I installed the scanners software also.

I formatted my computer and installed every software. I installed the scanners software also.
Please uninstall any previous scanner software.
Before installing the scanner’s software on your computer, be sure to test first if the scanner can be detected by your computer. Most scanners are USB type so just plug its cable to one of your USB ports. Your computer should detect a new device on one of your USB ports. If your system doesn’t detect anything even after inserting the scanner’s USB cable to your CPU’s USB port, try transferring the cable to the next available port. Make sure also that the scanner is turned ON before plugging it into the USB port of the computer.
If it still can’t be detected even after inserting it into all the USB ports of your computer, then it is possible that its USB cable is damaged. Try buying a new replacement for the scanner’s USB plug. It’s useless to install its software if the device can’t even be detected by the system.