I am new to webpage designing. Planning to use HTML/HTML 5.

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I want to know how to create web page. I know already the basics in creating a webpage. I want to know what are blockquote? How to implement it in a web page? How to implement and changing the color of the web page? What is a hexadecimal code? How to implement bullets? What are the basic formatting tags that I can use? Can you explain all the questions above and explain it to me one by one on how to implement each? Please help me. Thank you!

Answered By 0 points N/A #172783

I am new to webpage designing. Planning to use HTML/HTML 5.


Hello Martha!

“<blockquote> …</blockquote>” is an HTML used to specify a phrase, word, sentences, and or paragraphs that is taken from another website or writer. This will specify that the content is originally taken from a specific website.


<blockquote cite="specify the source of quotation">

Part of the content of the website.


You can change the color of your web page by using the attribute “bgcolor” inside body tags. Hexadecimal codes define the color in HTML. To create a bullet list in HTML you just need to use the tags <ul>…</ul>. Sample implementation is shown below.



<head><title>by: JOHN HART</title></head>

<body bgcolor="#FFFF00">



<li> One

<li> Two

<li> Three




Explanation: The <li> tag implements the content of the unordered list in HTML. This must be inside <ul></ul> tags.


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