How To Resolve The 0x800703ee Error?

Hello, people. I tried to copy files from my PC to USB, and I got this 0x800703ee error. Please advise me on a method to resolve it. Thank you.

Hello, people. I tried to copy files from my PC to USB, and I got this 0x800703ee error. Please advise me on a method to resolve it. Thank you.
Hello, learners. The 0x800703ee is encouraged by many windows users while performing a copy operation from PC to external drive. This error occurs due to a file system damage, or damaged registry keys. Follow the below methods to resolve it.
Method 1:
Remove the USB controllers.
• Search for the device manager and open it.
• Navigate to the universal serial bus controllers and click on it.
• Right-click on all the available devices and click on uninstall Device.
• Reboot the system.
• Reinstall the latest versions of USB controllers.
Method 2:
• Hold Windows key + R; it opens a run dialog box.
• Next, type “services.msc” and hit ok.
• Navigate to windows shadow copy and window back up and change their status to Running.
• Right-click on them and open their properties.
• Change dependences status to running.