How To Fix HTTP Error 502 Zimbra Fault

When I try to install Zimbra, it prompts a failure page which says HTTP error 502 Zimbra. Why am I getting this error? Please help me to fix this issue?

When I try to install Zimbra, it prompts a failure page which says HTTP error 502 Zimbra. Why am I getting this error? Please help me to fix this issue?
It can occur due to below reasons.
If you are installing it on multi-server at a time, then I suggest you try one by one. It will keep things fast and easy.
Other reason of occurrence can be due to the old version.
Maybe the server is down itself so wait some time and try again.
That error is an HTTP status code. The “502 Bad Gateway” error you see on your web browser means a server on the internet received an invalid response from another server. This error can actually be customized according to website and here are some:
This error appears on your web browser just like normal web pages do. Frequently, errors like this are caused by problems between servers online that you have no control over. What you can do when you encounter this is to try reloading the page. Press “F5” on your keyboard to refresh the page or CTR + F5 to force refresh the page.
If this doesn’t work, restart your web browser and open the page or URL again. If this doesn’t work either, empty your browser’s cache. Press CTRL + SHIFT + DEL on your browser then click to empty the cache.
You can also try deleting the cookies on your browser to possibly remove a corrupt cookie but doing this will log you out of all your account that are currently logged in. Another way is to open the URL or page on a different web browser.