How to remove active X warning?

I use internet explorer and I have a problem that I want to get rid of the warning which the internet explorer provides every now
And then about Active X. How can i remove the warning?
Please suggest some solution.

I use internet explorer and I have a problem that I want to get rid of the warning which the internet explorer provides every now
And then about Active X. How can i remove the warning?
Please suggest some solution.
Hey Robbie Lucas!
I have a solution for you. you just have to follow these steps to overcome the problem.
1. Open your Internet Explorer.
2. On the upper toolbar, click on Tools and open "Internet Options"
3. Once the Internet Option is opened, here you will see a "Security Tab" on the top, Click on it.
4. In security Tab click on "Internet" (with Globe Icon) and in "Security Level for this zone" section, click on "Custom Levels"
5. It will open "Security settings-internet zone". In settings Section you can see a list, scroll down and find "ActiveX Controls Plug-ins".
6. In "Automatic Prompting for ActiveX Controls" Click on "Disable".
7. Click on ok and restart your browser.
You will not get that warning anymore.