Hi guys, I want to know is editing CSS possible on browser like internet explorer if yes then please tell me how to edit CSS in internet explorer and do I need to download any plug ins installed to use edit it.Please help me as I’m completely new in using programming languages?
How to edit CSS in internet explorer?help
You can use a web browser to modify something on your web page by logging in to your server and editing your CSS file or HTML document directly via the server control panel. You can also do it offline if the CSS and HTML files are stored in your hard drive. Edit the files as needed and when you are done with all the modifications, upload the files to your server to replace the existing files.
You need to overwrite the files to replace the existing files in your server. But editing the web page documents or files using the web browser by simply visiting the page without logging in to your server, I don’t think that’s possible. Web browsers are only used to display websites and login to online accounts but can’t be used to directly edit a page in a website.
You can display the source code of the web page by simply pressing CTRL + U in a web page. This will open another tab in your web browser which contains all the codes, tags, and snippets of the current page you are viewing. You can view the tags and codes used in the web page but you cannot edit it and save the changes because that’s not possible.
If you are a beginner and you want to learn how HTML tags are normally applied in a website, you can use the source code viewer by pressing CTRL + U on your keyboard. It works on all web browsers.