Asked By
Mia Molly
20 points
Posted on - 09/26/2012
Hello experts,
How to download PowerPoint tablet android with sound? I need to attach a sound with this kind of application or any sample of this that can give me an idea on how to perform this kind of tasks. Any video tutorial is a big help I hope you can give me some link.
How to download powerpoint tablet android with sound?
Currently many different apps relating Power point are available in android market but unfortunately sound is still an issue for them. You can go to and upload your ppt files (with sound) there and afterwards access these files from your android tablet.
This time they will be played with sound.
How to download powerpoint tablet android with sound?
Hey Mia,
Android is still working on fixing the sound issue on their devices while running PowerPoint presentations. The problem occurs because PowerPoint is actually a Microsoft application and not Android. The best way to fix this problem would be to upload them online and then running it.
Websites that allow you to do so would be,,