Many video cards are developed these days and they are priced too high. The Geforce GTX 980, for instance, costs around $500 in the Australian Market. How do these graphics cards work? If we unmount the graphics card then our FPS go down desperately. How does a GPU help to run 3D applications properly?
How does a Graphics Card work along with Games?
Modern graphics adapters nowadays have GPU or Graphics Processing Unit. A GPU in a video card is a computer chip that makes fast mathematical calculations mainly used in rendering computer graphics or images. Back in the early days, graphics adapters don’t have GPUs because processes are handled by the CPU or the Central Processing Unit.
This is possible because applications and games before don’t require heavy graphics processing since they use low graphics quality. But as time goes by, game developers build graphics-intensive game applications which give too much stress to the processor thus degrading the performance of the computer. This is when the GPU came.
It is a method of offloading those processes from the CPU giving back its processing power. Graphics adapters with GPUs are only best used for gaming because conventional applications like Microsoft Office Word or ImTOO MPEG Encoder Pro don’t require that much graphics processing. GPUs are also best used when watching HD movies because it requires a certain level of image processing.