How Do I Change My Internet Browser?

I have been using the mozilla firefox, but since I installed google chrome, I want to stick to this now. How do i change my internet browser from firefox to chrome?

I have been using the mozilla firefox, but since I installed google chrome, I want to stick to this now. How do i change my internet browser from firefox to chrome?
Since you have not mentioned whether you have windows or mac, here are ways to work around them both:
1. Windows: Click on the start menu and go to settings. From the system tab, go to default apps. In the bottom of the screen, there will be the “web browser” option, with firefox written in front of it. Click on firefox and you will get a list of options of browsers. Select chrome and click enter.
2. Mac: This is much easier. Just open chrome and click on the menu option which looks like this .
Click on settings. There, you will see the option “make default browser”.
Just click on it and close settings.