Asked By
toles hitz
10 points
Posted on - 01/31/2013
Hello friends,
I want to create Host XML from Live SNMP router. I searched on the internet and found php xml snmp but I don’t clearly understand it. Please tell me how can I do this? . Any ideas and suggestions are welcomed. I hope someone will help me.
How to create Host php xml on snmp enabled router?
Archaic hubs and switches don't have IP addresses; this is why a network may not recognize them. Â SNMP solves this problem by using sophisticated switches and routers that have IP addresses. SNMP is able to recognize IP addresses, collect their status information, and determine packet loss as well as RTA.
These hubs and switches work with a software named Icinga. Here is how it is setup: Install Icinga. If your switch supports SNMP, you will monitor the port status with check_snmp plugin. Using MRTG, you will be able to monitor the bandwidth with check_mrtgtraf plugin. The check_snmp plugin will only get compiled and installed if you have the net-snmp and net-snmp-utils packages installed on your system. Â Make sure the plugin exists in this location /usr/local/icinga/libexec before you continue. If net-snmp and net-snmp-utils don't get installed recompile/reinstall the Icinga plugins.
You should also do the following steps: Perform first-time prerequisites, create new host and service definitions for monitoring the device and restart the Icinga daemon. I attached to this message a file called Icinga.txt.  The code in this file will guide you through the configuration of Icinga. I  attached to this message a file called Icinga.txt.  The code in this file will guide you through the configuration of Icinga.
I hope this is helpful.