How to convert my MS Word file to PDF?

Thanks to your Question. We are always helpful and your question is very important to us. Here is the Answer to your question:
First, You can use Adobe acrobat for convert your MS word, Excel file. Otherwise you use Free converter do PDF. It is very easy to convert file to PDF. You can download it this link. Please follow this image also.
Cool. In reply to your question I would like to say download the link and very easily you may use this free converter doPDF to convert your word/ excel files to PDF file.. secondly using the Adobe acrobat converter you may also convert those files. I think I am able clear the question. Think once and Practice it. It is very easy.
Have a good day.
When converting MS word, Excel File to PDF, you must download universal converter to convert your files into PDF. In Universal Document Converter there has option of adding universal document converter toolbar to Microsoft toolbar. In universal document converter toolbar you can custom your document conversion and you can choose folders where the converted document will be saved, then click saved and the universal document converter convert the documents that you want to convert, and the document will open into the default program for the file format. There also a three buttons on the universal document converter, there are PDF, JPEG, and TIFF format that you can choose in converting files. The converted files are in My Documents and it will be open automatically when the conversion is complete.
Converting MS word or MS excel file to PDF is a very simple task. All you have to do is, download a Word/ Excel to PDF Converter software.
Just Install the above software and whenever you wish to convert any documents into PDF just give the print command and select your printer as "Universal Document Converter" which will in return provide you with option to save the file in PDF format.
*Please note that the above software is on trial basis, to gain full access you have to purchase the full version.
Kind Regards,
Converting a file from MS word, Excel File to PDF is very simple. You just have to follow some easy steps. First of all, go to the file of MS word or Excel. If you're working on a MS 2007, you have to press the left circle at the top of the page. Go to the save as area, but don't press it, just put the mouse there (very slightly). After that you will see PDF or XPS and then select the place you want to save it and press publish. Hope that helps!
You can convert MS word, MS excel even image file in PDF by using various PDF converter. Many of above also give the solution. Here's some of the links are given. Installing any of these you can convert any file to PDF.
This page can also help you solving the problem.