I want to know which among ASPX or JSP is better to use because my friend wants me to use JSP instead of ASPX. This is for the reason that the server is autonomous. I need the complete procedures on converting ASPX to JSP. Kindly please help me.
How to convert aspx to JSP page?
It depends on what you need them for. But jsp is better because it has a more powerful java, allows embedding Dynamic Elements in HTML pages solely, can be used to merge with servlets which deal with business issues and it  has always been free. Most people prefer it to aspx.  When running Windows with SDK in C:jdk1.5.0_20 installed, you need to put the following in your C:autoexec.bat file.
set PATH=C:jdk1.5.0_20bin;%PATH%
set JAVA_HOME=C:jdk1.5.0_20
Hope this helps. Don’t hesitate to return if you face any further problem.