How can I view the windows virtual memory?

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I want view windows virtual memory or page file setting, how can I do it?

Best Answer by Garry Bross
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Answered By 20 points N/A #96561

How can I view the windows virtual memory?


If he (she) wants to see the position of configuration of virtual memory or file of windows it can continue (follow) the following steps. My PC clicks right on the 'icon'. Click on properties. In the properties of the system, window, click in the linkage of advanced configuration of the system or the card Advanced.

In the forward position it records, click on the button Configuration of low yield.

Finally, click in the card Options advanced in the window yield Options. Since it appears in the image of below, this section will show how much virtual memory it uses its computer and if into what if it is necessary each one allows to change the configuration, according to its desire, thank you.

Answered By 10 points N/A #96563

How can I view the windows virtual memory?



To form the file of pagination or virtual memory in windows, first you have to understand the basic concept.

Every process in windows assigns to itself a space of directions(leadership) of 4 GB of virtual memory, independently of the quantity of available physical memory. This means that the limit of addressability of 4 GB is applied of form by application.

The mentioned memory is usually much more than the real(royal) RAM of the system, but the quantity of physical memory in the team(equipment) is not related to the quantity of space of directions(leadership) of memory.

If a team(equipment) has 512 MB of physical memory, there is still a space of directions(leadership) of memory of 4 GB, and if a team(equipment) has 20 GB of physical memory, there is still a space of directions(leadership) of memory of 4 GB.

Not only one application can gain access straight to the memory RAM, when an application requests more memory RAM (memory) windows assigns physical memory (if it is available) in the space of directions(leadership) of the application.

Sometimes the memory physical RAM quite in a team(equipment) is in use, to initiate Windows with the hard disk as if it was a question of memory additional RAM.

That's why we have a file of pagination (also called the exchange file), nevertheless, the memory RAM because it is much more rapid than the hard disk, as such whenever the team(equipment) begins using the pagination file to relieve the pressure of the memory, and team(equipment) becomes slow and slow.

To create a pagination file, to go do to my PC, click right and select Properties, go to the advanced card, click in yield Options and then click in changing. Now it can see and fit the parameters that he(she) needs.

My Computer, right click it and then choose Properties, go to the advanced tab, click Performance Options, then click Change

To write the configuration in the initial and maximum pictures and, next, clicks in establishing. You will have to begin again so that the changes take place. Bear in mind that it must specify * same * quantity for both values.

Remember to leave that Windows chooses the best size of the file of pagination, click in size of managed system. The recommended minimal size is equivalent to 1,5 times the RAM quantity in its system and 3 times this number for the maximum size. Example, if you have 256 MB of RAM, the minimal size would be 384, the maximum size would be a 1152.


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