I need to implement delivery challan contents in RusionRetail 6. But I don't know how to do it. Please, Show me step by step instruction to do it.
How can I implement delivery challan contents in FusionRetail 6?
Dear Altha Tuller,
You can follow the steps below to input your delivery report. Follow these steps and you will get results to maintain your stock properly.
Go to Main Menu > Sales Management > Transaction > Sale Challan (Delivery Note) (S> T> N)
Alt + L (opens list of customers)
Select Customer from the list or
Alt + A (or you may also use ‘– A Order Sale’ button it will open list of available Sale order against that customer)
Select a particular order.
Adjust qty (if required)
It will decrease your stock.
Best of luck,
Maxwell Mark
How can I implement delivery challan contents in FusionRetail 6?
Hi Altha Tuller,
It is very easy to implement Delivery Challan Contents in Fusion Retails.
You can refer to this PDF file which will give you step by step instruction on how to do this.
It explains 4 Main steps.
Creating a Sale Order
Using the Sale Challan (Delivery Note) option
Use of Rejection In option Hope it helps
Creating sale against that Sale Challan