Hey, What Does 0x003 Geforce Error Mean?

Hi, Guys! I was recently trying to launch my NVidia Geforce Experience when I faced this 0x003 GeForce error. Is there a simple way to fix it?

Hi, Guys! I was recently trying to launch my NVidia Geforce Experience when I faced this 0x003 GeForce error. Is there a simple way to fix it?
A) The 0x003 GeForce error can occur if the Nvidia Telemetry Container is not permitted to interact with the desktop. If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by using the Services screen to allow interaction with this service. To fix it, you need to allow the Nvidia Telemetry container to interact with desktop.
B) The 0x003 GeForce error can occur if Nvidia Display Service, Nvidia Local System Container, and Nvidia Network Service Container are all services that will cause this particular issue if they are disabled. To fix this issue, you need to re-enable all of the NVidia services that are disabled in the services.msc.