Help in Visual Basic 2012

Hi There,In Visual Basic 2012 the symbols =, *, /, – and + are all called Operators. Operators are evaluated in four order of precedence. The “*, /, – and +” are the Arithmetic and Concatenation Operators, while the “=” symbol is the Comparison Operator.
The symbol “*” named multiplication,
“/” named floating-point division,
“+” and “-“named addition and subtraction,
And the “=” named as Equal.
Please take note that the equal (=) as a Comment is only use as the equality comparison operator, not as assignment operator.
Hope this will help you.
Good Day!
The symbols you have given are not just ordinary symbols. They are called operators. An operator is a symbol or a sign that carries out a certain process. In Visual Basic, there are 4 types of operators: arithmetic, bitwise, relational, and Boolean operators. An operator may contain one or more arguments or operands. The term operand refers to the input or the argument of an operator. Operators that contain only one argument are called unary operators and those that have 2 are called binary operators.
The “+” and “-” signs are used to perform addition and subtraction and can also be used as unary sign operators. The “=” sign is used to express equality in the equation. When used in an equation, the value or symbol on the left side is equal to the value or symbol on the right side.
The table below describes the arithmetic operators used in Visual Basic:
Thanks buddies, well explained. Particularly I wish to thank Sharath for your awesome enlightening comment because it was free and easy to me. I don’t know that my mentioned Visual Basic symbols are called operators and in it has 4 genres of operators which you have presented with a short description as well as a table with the descriptions the of the arithmetic operators used in Visual Basic what helps me to understand about Visual Basic operator’s name. Now, I can code well by using Visual Basic. Thanks Sharath for providing a great solution about the problem of mine and too for giving out this post.