Hi all,
Did anyone experienced a strange behavior when trying to watch a movie on a PSP ?
For example once you issue "film psp kung fu panda" when Media Player requests the file name you wont probably see anything on the screen.
Any idea ?
Help me watch Film psp kung fu panda
Hi Alex Whisler,
PSP supports only MP4 and AVI file formats(video). Please make sure that the video is of this format.
Also, try to update the current firmware.
The details about firware details are specified in the below link.
Hope it helps.
Help me watch Film psp kung fu panda
Hi Alex,
While most people use PSP only for gaming this could be also used to watch movie, videos and Photos etc. I haven’t experienced any trouble in playing videos so far, but I heard some people are having problems. This could be happened to the format of that video. PSP only supports UMD, MP4 etc. (Some version also supports avi format). So please make sure that you have putted the right format in your PSP. Â